226 Redmond rd, Gansevoort, NY 12831
to initate services:
Please email or call. A phone interview will be set to determine if Life Calls is a good fit for you.
Current availability: Accepting clients, possible 1 to 2 month waitlist
Monday thru Thursday appointment start times - 11am to 5pm
every other Friday - 10am to 1pm
Closed Saturday, Sunday, and most holidays
General Inquiries
(United Health Care, Aetna, Cigna, Empire BCBS, BCBS of Northeast NY, Anthem, go through Headway Agency), CDPHP and MVP insurances are currently accepted. Co-payment is due at the time of service. Medicaid cannot be accepted. Other services listed will be discussed at the time of need. In the case of a no show/no call, the full session fee may be applied.
A Private pay is available and possible sliding scale is available if there is a need. Office visits are based on $130/hr, maximum fee. Private pay is subject to discount, with no insurance involvement. “No surprise act”/Good Faith Estimate requirements adhered to at LCT.
This is a policy takes effect May 16, 2023.